As a Patient
At Valley Urologic Associates, we want to make your visit as efficient as possible. We will usually schedule you with the next available physician but if you wish to specifically see a doctor, please feel free to mention it to the scheduler. We would like you to get the most up-to-date list of medications that you are taking and please obtain any and all pertinent previous medical records/X-Ray films before your visit. Should you need instructions, please ask the scheduler to help you. You can fill out the New Patient forms before your visit to get you in to see our physicians faster. Should you not already have a primary care doctor, please check with your insurance to see if you need a referral to a specialist. If you need a primary care doctor please visit our affiliated primary physicians. Please also visit our patient education literature to get educated on procedures, what to expect, time off needed, etc.Read more

Meet our Staff
If we can do anything to improve your visit, please let us know. Here are some of our staff to get to know in case you have concerns.
Sherry Wilson - Practice Administrator
Denise Astorga - Front Office Manager
Michele Clark - Nurse Manager
Read Our Newsletters
- Summer 2009 - Issue 1
- Winter 2009 - Issue 2
- Fall 2010 - Issue 3
- Summer 2011 - Issue 4
- Winter 2011 - Issue 5
- Fall 2012 - Issue 6
- Summer 2013 - Issue 7

Obtain Forms Online
Click below to obtain our forms in PDF format. If you need Adobe Acrobat reader, please download it here. Filling these forms out before you arrive will greatly enhance our efficiency and your experience. You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to open the files. Get Adobe Acrobat Reader here.
- Female New Patients
- Female New Patients (en espanol)
- Male New Patient
- Male New Patient (en espanol)
- Pediatric New Patient
- Pediatric New Patient (en espanol)
Instructions to Login to the Patient Portal
You can communicate with our office anytime that is convenient to you for such things as appointment requests, medication renewal requests, and access to your medical information. You can call between 8 AM to 5 PM except 12 PM - 1 PM, Monday to Frinday for any questions regarding your appointments or access.
To begin using these services, you will need to create a secure account on our website: For your privacy, the system will require you to enter a user name and password, given by our office. If you do not have this please call our office or come by to register for the portal.
- Go to Internet Explorer, to the address field at the top, and type in the link as noted above in this letter. Or click the link here..
- Enter User name and Password (if you do not have this please contact our office)

Affiliated Hospitals
These are the hospitals that our physicians have privileges and admit to. Included are the addresses and directions on how to get there.
VUA Practice Portal
VUA empowers an electronic conduit to communicate with our new and existing patients. The practice portal has key features such as: online patient services (including Rx renewal and appointment requests, bill payment, pre-visit clinical questionnaires, and more);patient access to test results and online clinical summaries; and secure messaging for safe patient-practice communication. Inquire about the portal when you come in to our office so we can set you up with your own unique electronic access. For first time registration instructions, click here.